Archive for 2015
Life has always played strange games with you.
But it doesn't mean those games are purposeless. At times you are sad, then happiness comes in your life, and then sadness again. But it doesn't mean your sadness is permanent.
Your tears may be more lasting than your laughter.
But it doesn't mean they are worthless.
You may inhale a new air everyday with your usual ficklemindedness. But no, You are yet not aimless.
You may be rude and harsh most of the times. But it doesn't mean you are heartless.
You are one of a kind.
You have scars because you have a history. All you've got to do is find yourself. Search the original you inside the person you have become today, and you'll find the best part of life in worst times.
But it doesn't mean those games are purposeless. At times you are sad, then happiness comes in your life, and then sadness again. But it doesn't mean your sadness is permanent.
Your tears may be more lasting than your laughter.
But it doesn't mean they are worthless.
You may inhale a new air everyday with your usual ficklemindedness. But no, You are yet not aimless.
You may be rude and harsh most of the times. But it doesn't mean you are heartless.
You are one of a kind.
You have scars because you have a history. All you've got to do is find yourself. Search the original you inside the person you have become today, and you'll find the best part of life in worst times.